Here is the link to the gradebook. Please contact the front office to sign up for a username and password. The gradebook will be updated weekly by your child's teachers.
An "X" in the gradebook means the student has been excused from the assignment and they are not penalized.
A "Z" in the gradebook means the student has not turned in this assignment and they received a zero.
A "0" in the gradebook means they turned in the assignment but didn't get any credit.
A BLANK SPACE simply means the teacher has added the assignment to the grade book. It is NOT calculated into your child's grade unless a number or a Z is entered.
The missing assignment report DOES NOT distinguish the difference between a Z and a BLANK. You would need to go to each class's grades to see if the assignment is actually missing.
This link shows you how to set up your child's grade book account so that you can get notified of grades on any day you choose, at any time you choose, and will notify you any moment your child's grade drops below a given letter you predetermine.
Grading Policies
90-100 = A
- Above average knowledge on content standards assessed in assignment or assessment.
- Exceeds the expectations and will fully master the content on a benchmark or state test with an exceeds or high meets label for topic specific content.
80-89 = B
- Slightly above average knowledge on content standards assessed in assignment or assessment.
- Mastered the expectations of the content and will meet on a benchmark or state test for topic specific content.
70-79 = C
- Average performance on content standards assessed in assignment or assessment.
- Did not master all the skills necessary to master the content and is in risk of not passing benchmark and AIMS topic specific content.
65-69 = D
- Below average performance on content standards assessed in assignment or assessment.
- Student is likely to fail the benchmark or state assessment and will have increasing difficulty learning new skills without mastery of current skills.
64 or below
- Far below average performance on content standards assessed in assignment or assessment.
- Student is likely to fail the benchmark or state assessment and will have increasing difficulty learning new skills without mastery of current skills.
Late Work Policy
- When given a due date, the assignment is due at the beginning of the day unless otherwise specified by the assigning teacher.
- For every absent day, a student has an extra day to make up work and maintain current work. This means if student is absent 1 day, (s)he has 2 days to make up work.
- It is the responsibility of the absent student to gather missed work upon returning to school.
- Assignments 1-3 days late will result in a 20% deduction on the possible point value, and then graded.
- Assignments over 3 days late will result in a 40% deduction on the possible point value, and then graded.
Note: Grading policies are subject to modifications on a per student basis.