Extra Credit

These extra credit opportunities exploit the relationship between math and science. All work must be done in pencil and in an organized, neat way. I must be able to see the steps you took to solve the problems. Attach extra papers as required to complete the work. Additionally, you will be required to write thorough responses to nine outcome sentences on lined paper. Expect this to be at least one page long. Each oppotunity is worth 50 points.


Seek assistance as needed for the learning of the content, but complete the work individually. Please note that if you do not score at least an 80%, you will need to redo the work and resubmit within two days.


Quarter 1 opportunityAccepted NO LATER than September 23th

On the Double

Based off of the learning in the activity, complete these 9 outcome statements. (MUST be written in complete sentence format and leave a space between each response.)

  1. I learned...
  2. I discovered...
  3. I wonder...
  4. I still have a question about...
  5. I will ask a friend about...
  6. I can use this...
  7. I am reminded that...
  8. I still want to know...
  9. I still don't understand...


Quarter 2 opportunity: Accepted NO LATER than Decemeber 16

Population Pyramids

Based off of the learning in the activity, complete these 9 outcome statements. (MUST be written in complete sentence format and leave a space between each response.)

  1. I learned...
  2. I discovered...
  3. I wonder...
  4. I still have a question about...
  5. I will ask a friend about...
  6. I can use this...
  7. I am reminded that...
  8. I still want to know...
  9. I still don't understand...

Quarter 3 opportunity: Accepted NO LATER than February 24th

Pop Ecology

Based off of the learning in the activity, complete these 9 outcome statements. (MUST be written in complete sentence format and leave a space between each response.)

  1. I learned...
  2. I discovered...
  3. I wonder...
  4. I still have a question about...
  5. I will ask a friend about...
  6. I can use this...
  7. I am reminded that...
  8. I still want to know...
  9. I still don't understand...


Quarter 4 opportunity: Accepted NO LATER than May 4th

Global Warming Starts at Home

Based off of the learning in the activity, complete these 9 outcome statements. (MUST be written in complete sentence format and leave a space between each response.)

  1. I learned...
  2. I discovered...
  3. I wonder...
  4. I still have a question about...
  5. I will ask a friend about...
  6. I can use this...
  7. I am reminded that...
  8. I still want to know...
  9. I still don't understand...